Sep 2, 2020 | By: Destiny Wiggins

Education Minnesota Lets Teachers Voice Opinions on School Reopening Plans

With school districts around the state adopting different reopening models, including pushing back the first day of school, educators are voicing their concerns and are encouraging school districts to take their time in reopening school buildings safely.

Education Minnesota held a virtual meeting today where different teachers from around the state voiced their concerns, opinions, and challenges they are facing as it pertains to how each school district has decided to open for the upcoming school year.

Teachers expressed the idea that each school district should take their time in the reopening of school buildings. Different challenges that teachers expressed included financial stability, racial equity, and proper accommodations that teachers need in order to feel safe in school buildings.

As early as next week, some school districts in the Lakeland viewing area will be returning to school buildings for an in-person learning experience.

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