May 22, 2015 | By: Lakeland PBS

DNR Fighting AIS One Classroom At A Time

Zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil and spiny waterfleas are among the list of aquatic invasive species investing Minnesota’s waters. And this summer the DNR is looking to increase their volunteers to stop the spread of AIS. DNR conversation officers say the easiest way to prevent the spread of AIS is follow the clean dry drain process.

The Whitefish Chainis already contaminated with zebra mussels and their lake association ssociation helped the DNR host the volunteer training to help keep other invesives like Eurasian watermilfoil and spiny waterfleas from contaminating their water.

During the outdoor practice the AIS inspection volunteers got a checklist to remind them what to look for while inspecting watercraft.

The DNR reminds boats to check the orange signs before entering a new body of water to see what invasive species if any the water is invested with.

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