Apr 21, 2024 | By: Miles Walker

Brainerd Public Schools Expanding Online Learning Options

The Brainerd School District is expanding its online learning options.

The Brainerd Online School now allows high school students to earn their diploma entirely through online learning. 31 classes were offered online to students during the 2023-24 school year, and that number will jump to 50 next year.

According to Brandy Haglin, Brainerd Online School Coordinator, the biggest thing drawing students is the flexibility going virtual presents.

“We have a lot of students that are involved in activities, that are involved in sports, and if they have one online class through Brainerd Online School, they have an open hour, which means that they could feasibly make it their seventh hour,” explained Haglin. “So if they’re leaving at 2:30 for a sport, they’re not missing any school.”

And it’s not only the high school exploring online learning. Director of Instructional Technology Christina Lundgren stated that the next step is implementing virtual learning at Forestview Middle School. However, the options there would be in-sync with in-person learning.

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