Apr 7, 2023 | By: Justin Othoudt

Beltrami Co. Sheriff’s Office Warns of Possible Floods from Spring Thaw

Due to late-season snow pack and rising temperatures, the Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office is warning the public of the possibility of spring floods.

Temperatures are expected to transition to seasonably warm within the coming weeks, which will initiate spring thaw rapidly. The Sheriff’s Office is urging those who have experienced flooding in the past to take mitigating actions now and is reminding the public to never drive through flooded roadways.

“If you live in a flood-prone area, or you’ve experienced basement flooding or you have one of those low-level walk-out entries that there’s a lot of snow built up, you might wanna get out there and start clearing some of that out, make sure that there’s enough opportunity for the water to flow away from your house rather than in,” explained Beltrami County Emergency Services Director Christopher Muller. “If you have a sub pump, you know, a submersible pump where it pumps water out, make sure that that’s on and ready to go in case water does come in.”

If you find an emergency related to flooding within the county, you can make a report by calling the Beltrami County Emergency Communications Center at 218-333-9111.

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