Jun 3, 2015 | By: Lakeland PBS
Aitkin Teenager Accidentally Shot by Father
Police tell us it happened in a quiet part of Aitkin on Sunday when 14-year-old Dawson VanPortfliet was accidentally shot by his father in the neck. Police say they’re still investigating what lead to Dennis VanPortfliet’s gun going off. But police say there’s no threat to the community.
Dawson had just recently started working at Aitkin’s Roadside Family Restaurant as a dishwasher along side of his dad who is a cook there. His boss, who wasn’t confirmable talking to us on camera said within the one month of working there he had already become one of his better workers. And Walk says Dawson is only a few badges away from becoming an eagle scout.
Monday evening the community gathered in support of Dawson during a candlelight vigil. And members of the community have also started donating to the VanPortfliet’s go fund me page to raise money to pay for Dawson’s medical bills.
Friends and coworkers we talked to who didn’t feel comfortable talking on camera say they’re relieved he’s still alive. And hope to see home soon.