Oct 14, 2019 | By: Destiny Wiggins

Affinity Plus In Bemidji Spreads Kindness With “Plus It Forward”

You might have seen people with signs out today with words of encouragement written on them. That’s because today marked Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union’s seventh annual Plus it Forward, whose purpose is to spread kindness in Bemidji.

Businesses and organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club and Habitat for Humanity have partnered with Affinity Plus to spend an entire day to go out in the community and spread kindness as well as completing service projects.

Corey Rupp, Affinity Plus Senior Vice President, stated, “The goal of the day, when it started, was to get out and spread kindness and do good for others, and every year it’s built and built and we’ve done more and more and made an impact and proud to say it’s the seventh year in the row that we’ve done it and making a huge impact.”

Affinity Plus will also be donating $2,000 to the Bemidji Community Food Shelf to help put a new roof on the building.

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