Nov 28, 2023 | By: Sammy Holladay

The Latest Water Sampling Tests From Brainerd Public Utilities Have Found Elevated Levels of Copper

The Brainerd Public Utilities lead and copper water sampling program tests water from 100 and 20 housing units, 60 in the spring and 60 in the fall. The last round of testing saw elevated levels of copper in more than 10 percent of households.

The high levels of copper are not because the BPU treats their water with copper. Copper can be used to treat surface water that has high levels of Algae, but since the drinking water, the BPU treats is from wells. Once treated, the water may be exposed to copper once it enters the system.

Most households have copper plumbing. And with the well water or Groundwater, as it’s referred to in the water industry, that water has a higher hardness. The iron and manganese in the water corrode the copper piping, which is why there is copper in the water. Something that could help slow corrosion is raising the pH of the water, but the conditions of Minnesota produce a problem.

So, what can be done? Well, it’s a simple act of flushing out that stagnant water in your system. Letting the water run for 30 seconds or so should do the trick.

A lot more cost-effective than going from Copper Plumbing to a plastic alternative. The BPU is still working on ways to reduce the copper in the water that is both practical and cost-effective.

Their mission first and foremost is to provide their customers with safe drinking water.

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