Dec 16, 2023 | By: Lakeland News

Dr. Patricia Rosenbrock Honored for Contributions to BSU Women’s Athletics

Dr. Patricia Rosenbrock (Credit: BSU)

Bemidji State University’s Dr. Patricia Rosenbrock was awarded the Marie Berg Education Award by the 2024 National Girls & Women in Sports Day-Minnesota on Friday.

According to a press release, the honorees represent some of Minnesota’s most inspiring and influential individuals, groups, and organizations in girls’ and women’s sports.

Dr. Rosenbrock coached three different sports at BSU over the course of 20 years: gymnastics, track and field, and volleyball. She also served as women’s athletic director. In addition, she was also the driving force behind capturing the history of Bemidji State women’s athletics and worked to research and write the history of those early BSU women’s teams.

Rosenbrock helped spearhead a celebration for the 30th anniversary of women’s athletics at Bemidji State in 2000. 20 years later, she was honored with the title of Historian of Women’s Athletics at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of women’s athletics at BSU and was inducted into the Bemidji State Athletics Hall of Fame in 2008.

Dr. Rosenbrock will be recognized at the National Girls & Women in Sports Day-Minnesota Celebration on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024.

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