Jan 18, 2023 | By: Hanky Hazelton

Winter Clothing Drive in Brainerd Gives to Those in Need Thanks to Dedicated Volunteer

A volunteer in the Brainerd Lakes Area has gone above and beyond to make sure her community is well taken care of. A clothing drive called “Warming Communities from the Heart” was held last Thursday at the Brainerd VFW to help provide well-insulated clothing to those in need during winter.

Tammy Ebertowski has made it her mission to see that goal met and provide warm clothing for the community with her networking skills and outstanding relationships with groups in the area. Through her hard work and determination, she has received several donations of good quality winter clothing like hats, coats, gloves and more.

“We’re all here just wanting to help and make sure that people know that we’re available and willing to help out in someone’s time of need, and Tammy’s here providing some of those other essentials that are needed during the winter months,” said Relationship Safety Alliance Executive Director Shannon Wussow.

For Ebertowski, she says everyone needs a friend and that people should know they’re not alone.

“Do not give up hope – it’s all about not giving up, and we’re always here for you, and don’t ever forget that,” said Ebertowski.

If you know of someone in need of a coat or you would like to volunteer for Tammy’s next event, you can email her for more information at [email protected]

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