Aug 5, 2015 | By: Lakeland PBS

Where was Paul Bunyan Born: Brainerd

On June 29, 1776, there was a loud howling in the back woods of Brainerd. To the surprise of the villagers was the biggest baby they’d ever seen and his name was Paul Bunyan. They raised him and after a career of lumberjacking Paul came back to retire in his hometown.

The folklore of Paul Bunyan can be traced back to 1935 in Brainerd. Signs of Paul can be found throughout the Brainerd Lakes Area, you can still see his footprints where the original Paul Bunyan was placed in town, the giant Walleye he caught in Mille Lacs in Garrison, his bobber in Pequot Lakes and girlfriend in Hackensack.

We’ve asked the experts. And with most disagreeing about where he’s really from, there’s only one person that can rightfully settle Paul Bunyan’s hometown.

For more information about the economic impact Paul Bunyan has made on the Brainerd Lakes Area, visit the Crow Wing County Historical Society.

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