Feb 12, 2021 | By: Betsy Melin

Walz to Loosen Some COVID-19 Restrictions

Gov. Tim Walz announced that the state will be dialing back some restrictions on businesses and private gatherings that have been in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. Minnesota has been reporting a decline in COVID-19 hospitalizations and test positivity rates.

Capacity limits will be adjusted beginning Saturday, Feb. 13, at noon according to the governor’s office.

The governor expanded the capacities of indoor private gatherings, such as wedding receptions, from 10 people to 50, but facilities must still only operate at 25% of their fire code capacity. As for restaurants, they can host 250 people if space permits, but must operate at no more than 50% of their capacity. Restaurants will also now be allowed to remain open until 11 p.m. as opposed to 10 p.m.

This will also reduce the social distancing required for gyms and pools to 6 feet. They will also be allowed to host up to 25% of their capacity or up to 250 people, which was previously capped at 150. Outdoor fairs and events remain capped at 250 people.

In a release, the governor’s office advised continued caution as additional mutations of COVID-19 have been observed in the state. The mask mandate for indoor public places and social distancing requirements remain in effect.

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