Feb 26, 2020 | By: Chantelle Calhoun

Volunteers Needed For The Rain Gauge Reader Network Program In Crow Wing County

Crow Wing Soil and Water Conservation District needs the community’s help with their Volunteer Rain Gauge Reader Network program. Crow Wing SWCD will provide the rain gauges and data sheets to citizens free of charge.

Rain gauges are read and recorded daily by citizen volunteers, and volunteers turn their readings into the Crow Wing SWCD office at the end of each month. Office members then send the data to the State Climatology Office.

The information recorded is used for lake levels, stream flow predictions, justifying crop losses, tracking drought conditions, predicting future weather conditions, and for various research projects. The rain gauge data that readers previously collected is heavily used due to current wet conditions. Many people depend on this data and it has proven to be very important, both at local and statewide levels.

Readers are needed as early as next month, and for those interested in becoming a volunteer can email [email protected] or can call the Crow Wing SWCD office at 218-828-6197 for more information.

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