Apr 29, 2019 | By: Anthony Scott

Volunteers Move Bog In Gilbert Lake

The bog that was blocking a portion of Gilbert Lake in Brainerd last week was removed over the weekend by a group of volunteers.

The land mass broke away from the shore on Tuesday of last week and did substantial damage to one resident’s dock, according to the Gilbert Lake Association.

A group of six volunteer boats were able to move the three pieces of land in about four hours on Saturday. Originally, they did not think they had enough volunteers, but they were surprised by how easily the bog moved.

“They gave us some really good hints, and that’s probably why we got it moved because the DNR told us, “Do it this way and you’ll probably have your best luck,” and the first thing we tried…worked,” Todd Froemming, Gilbert Lake Association’s President, said. “You push it and you don’t pull it, because pulling it would have just torn it apart. I think we would have had a big mess, but once you start moving it, it goes, it’s just really slow.”

The Gilbert Lake Association moved the biggest portion of the bog to the other side of the lake, close to where it originally came from. The smaller pieces of land are staked down off to the side of the lake.

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