Jun 7, 2019 | By: Shirelle Moore

VIDEO: Oh Deer! Doe Caught On Camera Making A Ruckus In Grand Rapids Business

A deer was caught on camera running through a business, which is currently being renovated, in Grand Rapids.

The City Of Grand Rapids Police posted the video to their Facebook page Wednesday morning. You can see the deer passing police officers and hopping over booths and tables before making its way out the door and onto the patio of establishment. Workers look on in awe after the deer makes its grand escape.

The Grand Rapids Police captioned the video with “oh deer! Looks like we have someone quite fawned of the new business opening up! But- we have to buck-up and wait for it to open doe.”

The video has passed 1000 shares on social media and has over 100 comments. You can check out the original post here.

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