Nov 11, 2021 | By: Lakeland News

Veterans Honored By Naval Officers in Brainerd

On Veterans Day on Thursday, five Naval officers went to the Woodland Good Samaritan Apartments in Brainerd to honor some of Minnesota’s veterans.

The Navy crew from Fort Snelling swapped stories with those once in their shoes, but most of all, the crew wanted to give back and show their appreciation of the veterans that came before them.

Near the end of their 20-minute presentation, they turned their attention to Ron Hobson, a 98-year-old veteran and one of the oldest living Naval pilots in Minnesota. Hobson was a pilot in World War II learning to fly in the old double wing Stearman. The war ended the week his unit was called into service, and Hobson then served in the Minnesota Air Guard out of St. Paul for 15 years.

Hobson was awarded with a letter of appreciation and three separate United States Navy Chief Petty Officer coins, which are given to show appreciation and gratitude to those who have served.

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