Jun 21, 2017 | By: Haydee Clotter
The Crow Wing County Landfill Is Energy Efficient Too
Did you know between 2006-2016 Crow Wing County recycled 30,809 mattresses and if they were stacked it would reach 4.8 miles high?
Crow Wing County wants you to think twice about your local landfill.
With new technology and innovations the public can benefit from innovative ways to help reduce pollutants and save money, according to Crow Wing County Solid Waste Coordinator Doug Morris.
The county’s landfill program is built to be self-sustaining, with adequate revenue through tipping fees to cover operating costs and future capital projects. In 2015, the county earned $38, 300 in carbon credits by reducing carbon emissions at the landfill by almost 11,000 metric tons.
Another energy saver is driving the layer of trash over three times so oxygen and moisture can work its way through the loosely packed fill and decompose the waste quickly.
Minnesota requires all non-metropolitan counties to recycle 35 percent of total solid waste by weight, Crow Wing County does a lot more at a rate of 51. 6 percent.
Over 25 years ago, Crow Wing County opened the first standalone lined landfill in the state.
These are some of the items you can bring to the Crow Wing County landfill for free: yard and garden pesticides, used oil, rechargeable batteries, lawn and garden material, used paint and aerosols, household cleaners, lead acid car and marine batteries and mercury devices like thermometers.
For more information on the Crow Wing County landfill visit www.crowwing.us and search “household harzardous waste” or call the Solid Waste Office at 218-824-1290.