Jun 5, 2023 | By: Mary Balstad

Structure Considered Total Loss in Bemidji Fire, One Injured

Credit: Bemidji Fire Department

Credit: Bemidji Fire Department

A Bemidji home is considered a total loss following a fire this past weekend.

According to the Bemidji Fire Department, on June 4 at 12:26 a.m., firefighters received a report of a fire located at 4000 Bemidji Avenue North. Upon arriving to the scene, firefighters saw a single-story residential home on fire. Smoke was showing through the front of the structure. Firefighters found heavy fire and smoke in the basement. An entry to the home was attempted, but was not successful due to heavy smoke, zero visibility and high heat.

22 firefighters and six pieces of equipment were on the scene for over eight hours. The structure and its contents are considered a total loss. One firefighter was injured but was treated on the scene. The Bemidji Fire Department and Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Office is currently investigating the fire.

The Bemidji Police Department, Bemidji Ambulance Service, Ottertail Power Company, Minnesota Energy, and the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s Office assisted on the scene.

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