Jul 6, 2016 | By: Brenda Mak
Sound Off to Support Veterans in Northern MN
Here in Northern Minnesota, the support for combat veterans continues to grow.
Sound Off is a veterans support group hosted in Sanford Health Bemidji. The group aims to provide a safe and confidential place for members to share their experiences and connect with others. It is faciliated by U.S. Marine Corps Veteran Billy Benso and Sanford social worker Mike Sletta, to provide a closer avenue for local veterans.
Benso says there is a lack of resources for veterans up North, sometimes he has to travel two to three hours away to get to the nearest support group.
“Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a condition many veterans struggle with after traumatic experiences such as combat or disaster,” said Sletta. “What we want our vets to know is that it’s real, you are not alone, and help is out there with groups like ours.”
The group is free and open to veterans from all branches of service.
Sound Off meets every first and third Wednesday of the month from 5 to 7 p.m. at Sanford Bemidji’s Conference Room A.
For more information, call (218) 333-5165 or (218) 333-2582 to speak to organizers.