Crow Wing residents are reminded that pushing snow from their driveways across roadways or into public right of ways will result in a misdemeanor, according to a release from the Crow Wing County Highway Department.

According to the release, when snow or ice is deposited on the public roadway, it can be hazardous for motorists and that snowmobiles are at risk when snow or ice is deposited in public right of ways.

Some tips from the Crow Wing County Highway Department are:

  • Deposit snow behind the shoulder line.
  • Use blue or white reflectors to mark your driveway for at least 12 feet.
  • Clear an area next to the road before your driveway; snow carried by the snow plow will go into the designated area and not your driveway.
  • Place garbage cans behind the shoulder so the snowplow has room to clear snow from the roadway and shoulder area.

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