Apr 17, 2023 | By: Mary Balstad

Sharing Survivors’ Stories: BSU Takes Back the Night Through Sexual Violence Awareness

Advocates, community members and Bemidji State University students came together on Thursday to not only support survivors of sexual violence, but to take back the night.

Through the annual Take Back the Night event held at the American Indian Resource Center on BSU’s campus, attendees saw themes of resilience, survival and persistence be celebrated and shared. The words of “don’t be silent” epitomized the meaning of the gathering, as shared by guest speaker Marilyn Westbrook. And through those words, victims transformed into survivors and amplified the power of their voices.

From law enforcement to city councilors, those in attendance showed the importance of organizations like Support Within Reach and BSU helping not only each other, but individuals in the community as well.

But the mission of Take Back the Night does not stop at one evening. With the stories that were shared, the work that took place has only just begun.

Support Within Reach partners with BSU to offer victim support services. If you or anyone you know has experienced sexual violence, contact Support Within Reach at (800) 708-2727.

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