Jul 15, 2019 | By: Chaz Mootz

Serious Crash After Motorcycle Strikes Deer In Rural Motley

A 2015 Harley Davidson trike motorcycle was traveling west on County 24 when it struck a deer, causing the driver to lose control and go off the road into trees at 2:17 PM on Sunday, July 14.

According to the Cass County Sheriff’s Office, they received a report of a serious motorcycle crash on 64th ST SW in rural Motley, MN. The driver, a male aged 68 of Pillager, was treated on scene and transported to a Brainerd, MN hospital.

The passenger, a female aged 74 of Pillager, was also treated on scene and transported to a Twin Cities area hospital via North Memorial Air Care with serious injuries. Assisting at the scene was Pequot Lakes Police Department, Pequot Lakes Fire Department, Zone 3 Fire Responders, North Memorial Ambulance and Air Care.

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