Apr 6, 2018 | By: Sarah Winkelmann

Scam Phone Calls On The Rise In Crow Wing County

The Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Office is continuing their investigation of scam phone calls going around the area over the past few days.

Several reports have been made of a male calling area residents stating that a warrant is out for their arrest and they must make a payment by credit, debit or cash to avoid being arrested. The scammer(s) have used real names of peace officers in Crow Wing County and have targeted several workers in area health care facilities.

If you have any information about the scam or need to report a scam phone call, you can reach the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Office at 218-829-4749.

Captain Scott Goddard of the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Office says that if you do receive a call asking for money, simply hang up.

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