Mar 14, 2018 | By: Shirelle Moore

Sanford Health Lifts Visitor Restrictions In Northern Minnesota

Sanford Bemidji Medical Center, Sanford Bagley Medical Center, Sanford Bemidji WoodsEdge, Sanford Baker Park and Sanford Senior Behavioral Health will be lifting visitor restrictions based on the recent decline in the number of flu-like illnesses among area patients.

Sanford put in place visitor restrictions in January to protect patients, staff and visitors from possible exposure to influenza. While the restrictions are lifted, Sanford encourages all visitors to use their best judgment when visiting the medical center.

Visitors should stay at home and delay any visits to patients in the medical center if feeling sick or showing any signs upper respiratory condition.

Ways to help prevent the spread of flu:

  • Frequent hand washing is the most effective way to prevent the spread of respiratory infection. Teach children how to wash their hands and to do so frequently.
  • Do not share items such as cups, glasses and utensils with others.
  • Avoid contact with those who have upper respiratory infections, such as colds.
  • Newborn babies should avoid visitors for two weeks.
  • Avoid child-care centers, malls, family and sports events, movie theaters and other congested places where many people are in an enclosed area.
  • Avoid visiting children who are in the hospital.
  • Avoid tobacco smoke.
  • Get vaccinated against influenza. It’s not too late.

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