Sep 12, 2019 | By: Rachel Johnson
“Role Of Government In Healthcare” Topic Of Thursday’s Rosenmeier Forum
It seems no domestic policy issue is as debated and divisive these days as the issue of government’s role in health care. That was the topic of Thursday’s Rosenmeier Forum at Central Lakes College.
“It’s a hot-button issue because it costs more than it should and most people can’t afford it. Most Americans can’t afford the health care system,” said former U.S. Senator from Minnesota, David Durenberger.
The forum invited Minnesota State Senator John Marty, a Democrat, and former U.S. Senator from Minnesota, David Durenberger, a Republican. Durenberger argued that the best approach is to allow private citizens the option to purchase “memberships” at the health care company of their choice.
“They ought to be able to not just have to go into a marketplace of insurance every year, but they could buy say a five-year membership in a company called Essentia Health or CentraCare Health,” explained Durenberger.
On the other hand, Senator Marty argued that every Minnesotan should be guaranteed coverage through a single-payer system.
“It seems to me the way to do it is to have a simpler system. One that I say has much, much less role for insurance companies and government and employers, and much more role for doctors and their patients,” said Sen. Marty.
Though the two politicians come from different backgrounds and have different political beliefs, they both agreed that the United States health care system needs changing.
“I think Senator Durenberger would say the same thing. We’ve got a very illogical pricing system and what people want is a logical system, one that’s affordable,” added Sen. Marty. “Everybody’s willing to pay their fair share if they can get the care they need.”