Jul 26, 2017 | By: Josh Peterson

Road To The State Fair: Beltrami County 4-H Judging Begins

For some, it was their first chance to present and demonstrate projects that have been in the works for months. Members of the Beltrami County 4-H program showed off their skills in the kitchen and on the runway. In the past, these projects were presented at the county fair, but with so many kids taking part, some categories are being critiqued and judged ahead of the fair.

At the Beltrami County Fairgrounds, preparations are already underway for the opening day of the county fair. However, judging for the 4-H projects has already begun, paving the way for 4-H members to get to the Great Minnesota Get-Together.

For those judging and critiquing, seeing the 4-H members from year-to-year grow and attempt greater challenges each year leaves them a good feeling.

For 4-H members who are lucky enough to earn a trip to the Minnesota State Fair, it’s an eye opening experience, and something they will never forget.

With one step down and the county fair in the coming weeks, it is only a matter of time until some of these 4-H members make it to the main stage.

The Beltrami County Fair will be held August 9-13.

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