Mar 27, 2019 | By: Rachel Johnson

Renowned Poet Spencer Reece Visits Brainerd Lakes Area

A world-renowned poet currently living in Madrid visited the Brainerd Lakes Area today to speak to students and community members about his career and experiences as a writer and Episcopalian priest.

Poet Spencer Reece spoke to a crowded auditorium at Central Lakes College as part of the school’s visiting poet program “Verse Like Water.” Reece grew up in the Edina area and studied theology at Yale and Harvard University. He has published two books of poetry that have earned critical acclaim and notable literary prizes.

“I think everybody has some kind of creative outlet or something that they can pursue and I think that’s where the spirit is, that’s where God is, and everybody can have that. It’s not exclusive to a poet with a book,” said visiting poet Spencer Reece. “It’s anybody.”

Central Lakes College will host their final “Verse Like Water” event of the season on April 29 in the Chalberg Theatre featuring poet Peter Balakian.

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