Mar 26, 2015 | By: Lakeland PBS

Rehab or Jail? Which is Better for an Addict

1,349 inmates last year in Crow Wing County jail were there for alcohol drug related crimes. Compare that to 8 inmates who were there for murder. The National Institute of Justice found about two-thirds of our national’s inmates will return to jail within three years of being arrested. That’s why Crow Wing County emphasizes their programs to help inmates get back on their feet when they leave jail.
Last year the average cost to tax payers to house an inmate per day was $93.61 compared to the Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge rehab center costs between $28.80 to $52.07 a day paid either by their clients, private insurance groups or government subsidies.
Both Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge and Crow Wing County Jail say ultimately it’s up to the addict to decide when they’re ready to get help. But they can either do it in a rehab center or behind bars if they break the law.

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