Aug 18, 2014 | By: Lakeland PBS

Recycling properly in Crow Wing County.

Recycle, reduce, reuse isn’t all you need to know about recycling. To recycle properly you have to know what can and cannot be recycled.
Crow Wing County Solid Waste says there are four main categories of recycling that can go into their collection containers: paper, glass, metals and plastics. They say it’s important not to mix garbage with recycling.
Crow Wing County Solid Waste says before you recycle your food and drink containers, like this bottle, you should wash it out to make it easier for them to handle.
While not everything can be recycled, they say the more that’s recycled the better it is for the environment.
Crow Wing County Solid Waste says the more efficient we recycle the cheaper and easier it is for us to recycle next time.

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