Mar 29, 2018 | By: Josh Peterson

Potholes On The Rise Around Bemidji

It’s a common sight this time of year as road crews are out filling those cavernous craters on city, county and state roads. This year, those crews have been extra busy trying to keep up with the growing demand. With the roller coaster of weather conditions this past winter and spring, it has been extra challenging to stay on top of all the potholes.

When it comes to tracking and filling pot holes, city, county, and state departments all work together and communicate where work needs to be done. But no one knows the hot spots on the roads more than the people who plow them. Steve Bitker is one of MnDOT’s many plow drivers who is out fixing potholes when the conditions are right.

Both MnDOT and city employees have a message for motorists who are out on the roadways when they are out filling potholes: play it safe and slow down.

With the weather roller coaster continuing, you can be sure that you will see the pothole patrol back out on area roadways again.

If you have experienced a bad pothole, the city of Bemidji has a website you can use to report its location:

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