Dec 4, 2018 | By: Anthony Scott

Postal Services Suspended As Trump Calls For National Day Of Mourning

As a result of the recent passing of former president George H. W. Bush, President Donald J. Trump has declared December 5th as a national day of mourning.

Out of respect for President Bush, the nation’s 41st commander in chief, and to honor his vast contributions to the United States during his lifetime, and to stay consistent with the presidential proclamation, the Postal Service will observe the national day of mourning.

The Postal Service will suspend regular mail delivery and retail service Dec. 5. USPS will provide limited package delivery service on that day to ensure that the Postal Service network remains fluid and USPS does not experience any impacts to its package delivery operations that might negatively affect customers or business partners during the remainder of the busy holiday season.

All Postal Service facilities. including headquarters in Washington, DC, and area and district administrative offices, are included in the national day of mourning. Local managers will advise employees on staffing levels to maintain operations and prepare for the resumption of regular activities Thursday, Dec. 6.

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