Jul 22, 2016 | By: Josh Peterson

Portions of Itasca State Park Reopen After Thursday’s Storm

Thursday’s severe storms left wide spread damage in Beltrami and Hubbard counties. One of the areas hardest hit was the Itasca State Park.

In a conversation with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Itasca State Park has reopened the following: campgrounds, headwaters, Mary Gibbs Visitor Center, boat Landing, Itasca Rentals, and boat tours. Lodging will be available around 4:00 p.m. Friday.

Opening tomorrow at 8:00a.m. will be the Douglas Lodge Restaurant. Cabins that are damaged are currently being assessed.

Areas of the park that remain closed until further notice include the Jacob V. Brower Visitor’s Center, the bike trail, and portions of Wilderness Drive.

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