Apr 16, 2020 | By: Brad Hamilton

Pinnacle Marketing Group More Than Doubles Website Base

Pinnacle Marketing Group released a press release this morning that announced it has acquired two customer accounts that will more than double their website customer base.

The first purchase of approximately 300 website customer accounts is from Sytek Communications, a communications provider located in Upsala, MN. The second purchase of just over 60 accounts is from Nsight, a communications company headquartered in Green Bay, WI, serving Northeast Wisconsin.

“Pinnacle Marketing Group has served communication and broadband companies for over 27 years and through these longstanding relationships, we continue to discover and strengthen ways to partner and in this case, transition their clients into our care, “ said Pinnacle Marketing Group CEO, Shelly Geerdes. “As communications companies increase their efforts to meet the demand of providing high-speed internet in rural areas, we are honored they are looking to us to take care of their business customers for their website and marketing needs.”

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