Dec 7, 2023 | By: Sammy Holladay

Pequot Lakes Area Family Nominated to Receive ‘Best Christmas Ever’

Best Christmas Ever is a non-profit organization based in Minnesota that helps families who have fallen upon tough times receive gifts and financial aid during the Christmas season. One family in the Pequot Lakes area was nominated to receive such a Christmas this year.

Community members who are willing to share their blessings with the family can do so by visiting the Pequot Lakes SuperValu, where is a tree set up at with suggestions for gifts.

“We’re trying to collect at least 10 gifts per family member, a variety of price points,” explained Best Christmas Ever organizer Katie Kottke. “We’ve got anything from gift cards to some higher-priced, kind of big ticket items for each family member.”

As well as the tags with gift ideas on the tree, there is a QR code to scan to give a cash donation. Best Christmas Ever is hoping to raise $5,000 for the family to foot the bill for rent and other various household bills.

It’s truly a group effort to help out this family, whose identity is kept a secret to keep the element of surprise, where the people helping aren’t just from Pequot Lakes.

“The tree is located at the SuperValu in Pequot, but I’ve got signs kind of around the Brainerd Lakes Area that people have been coming from, kind of all around the area, to pick up gifts,” said Kottke.

Being a nationwide organization, Best Christmas Ever is able to touch the lives of many, both those who give and those who receive.

“There’s thousands of families that benefit from events like this,” Kottke added.

The holiday season can be so tough on so many. And having to tell a child that Santa Claus isn’t coming this year can be devastating, not just for the child, but for the parent, which is why Best Christmas Ever works to do what they do.

There will be a wrapping party at the American Legion in Pequot Lakes on Friday, Dec. 15 from 6-8 p.m. The selected family will be receiving the gifts just a few days after that.

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