May 13, 2022 | By: Mary Balstad

Otter Tail Power Says 24,000 Experienced Power Outages Due to Storms

Otter Tail Power Company says that due to storms on Thursday evening in many parts of Minnesota and South Dakota, more than 24,000 people have lost power.

The company states that they are working to restore the lost power to their customers. Significant damage was sustained to the company’s equipment, including 250 broken poles. As it may take the rest of the day for crew members to fix the broken equipment, some people may be without power for three to four days.

“Our hearts are with those that experience damage in their homes and businesses,” said Otter Tail Power Area Manager Scott Wiese.”

Wiese also states that the company is working to assess the damage sustained and supply additional crews and equipment to restore power. Updates on specific communities are expected around 4 PM today.

Wiese continues, “We appreciate our customers’ patience as we work as safely and quickly as we can to restore power.”

For more information on power outages in certain areas, visit

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