Jul 1, 2022 | By: Lakeland News

Operation Dry Water Underway for 4th of July Weekend

With the 4th of July weekend underway, Minnesota law enforcement is working to make the water safe as well as the land.

In recent years, more than half of Minnesota boat accidents have been alcohol-related, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is hoping to change this. Starting July 2nd and going through the 4th, those with the DNR and public safety will implement Operation Dry Water.

The national campaign is aimed at deterring drinking and boating, with the goal of reducing the number of BWI-related boat accidents and fatalities. Law enforcement is reminding people to leave the alcohol on shore, and if anybody is caught operating a boat under the influence, there will be zero-tolerance consequences.

The main goal of this weekend’s enforcement campaign is to lower the risk of harm to the public and have every person who goes boating return home safely. People convicted of drinking and boating will lose their privileges to operate any boat, motor vehicle, or recreational vehicle.

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