Mar 1, 2023 | By: Charlie Yaeger
Northwoods Experience: North Gait Horse Co. Embraces Winter Pastime of Skijoring
The North Gait Horse Company in Pequot Lakes has found a way to embrace the snow of northern Minnesota and combine it with their love for horses. It’s called skijoring, which is Norwegian for “ski driving.” Basically, it’s a skier being pulled by a vehicle or animal, in this case a horse.
North Gait Horse Company owner and horse trainer Abbie Schramm met boarder Mary Rosenberg in 2019. It was then that Rosenberg brought the idea of skijoring to Schramm. After looking into it, they decided to give it a shot, working to train their horses during the summer months in preparation for the winter. Needless to say, it became a hit.
Skijoring came to the United States in the early 1900s. In 1915, it became a winter pastime in Lake Placid and from there spread across the northern part of the U.S. It took on a western flair as well, adding a horseback rider which allowed for faster movement. They even have competitions now, where skiers navigate a course filled with jumps and obstacles.
But for those skijoring at the North Gait Horse Company, it’s about fun and friendship. They have started a club and welcome all who wish to join. And as long as there is snow, there will be skijoring.
More information on the North Gait Horse Company’s skijoring and other services can be found on their website.