Feb 11, 2015 | By: Justin Prince
Northwoods Adventure – One Lunger 100
Snowmobiles and snow; they’re like Abbott and Costello, or Bert and Ernie. They just go together. One can’t work without the other. But, the One Lunger 100 Vintage snowmobile race is the exception to that rule. The 100-mile race is in its 18th year of existence, and no matter the conditions, the event goes on. And although set up was difficult due to the lack of snow, it didn’t stop the vintage snowmobiles from hitting the ice.
Contestants come from near and far to participate in the annual event, but for some it’s about more than just racing. Some even made it a family event, including father and son duo Dean and Nathan Vosberg. While others hope to make in to a family affair someday.
But it’s the thrill of riding and the glimmer of hope you may win that keeps everyone coming back.