Jan 21, 2021 | By: Nick Ursini

Northwest Angle Guest Ice Road Opens

The 30-mile Northwest Angle Guest Ice Road is now open.

Due to the United States and Canada border shutdown, the community created the road which stays in Minnesota and travels over 22 miles of ice and eight miles of forest, according to a press release.

“Unseasonably mild temps have held back the start of the ice road compared to a normal winter, but with some recent cold weather, it is in great shape and open,” said Joe Henry, Executive Director of Lake of the Woods Tourism.

According to the release, the NW Angle Guest Ice Road begins at Springsteel Resort just south of the Canadian border on the southwest corner of Lake of the Woods. The ice road makes its way north on the U.S. ice and eventually connects to one of the main roads leading into the NW Angle. From this road, NW Angle resorts are accessible.

Ice fishing on Lake of the Woods continues through March.

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