Jun 12, 2024 | By: Lakeland News
Night Work to Begin on Highway 169 South of Garrison Next Week

Night work will begin June 17 on Highway 169 along west Mille Lacs Lake, south of Garrison, and last through June 28. (Credit: MnDOT)
Those who travel overnight on Highway 169 along west Mille Lacs Lake, south of Garrison, can expect delays and periodic stops beginning next week.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation says from June 17-28, work will occur nightly Monday evening to Friday morning between Crow Wing County Road 26 and Ojibwe Drive as crews mill and pave a new layer of asphalt.
Flaggers will allow alternate one-way traffic with the use of a pilot car through the work zone. Expect the work zone to change as crews move throughout the night. Safety officials also say you should watch for heavy equipment and workers.
Work also continues during daylight hours with short segments of alternate one-lane, one-way traffic with flaggers through mid-July. Overall, all day and night work will occur Monday through Friday, so all lanes of Highway 169 will be open on weekends.