Jun 17, 2019 | By: Chaz Mootz
New Site In Crow Wing County For Disposal Of Architectural Latex Paint
Crow Wing County has a new site to dispose of old architectural latex paint. The Crow Wing County Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility will now accept architectural latex paint from contractors and businesses for free the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., May through October.
According to the Crow Wing County Land Services Department, the new facility is not only convenient for local contractors and businesses, but it also benefits the environment. Ryan Simonson, the Crow Wing County Environmental Services Supervisor, said, “The HHW site provides a location for our local paint contractors and area businesses to properly dispose of old architectural latex paint for free.”
“This free service keeps these chemicals out of our environment, protecting our water resources,” said Simonson.
Before disposing items at the HHW facility, businesses must stop at the landfill office to discuss items that need to be disposed and directions to where the HHW facility is located at the site.
For more information pertaining to the proper disposal of hazardous waste generated by a business, please visit the County Web page at www.crowwing.us and search for “Business Hazardous Waste”.