Jul 22, 2019 | By: Shirelle Moore

New Setup For ‘Art In The Park’ In Bemidji Tested Out

“I come here every year and I always enjoy it. It’s a, like today, it’s a beautiful day and there’s a lot of beautiful things to see just talking to the guy doing the stain glass and, just a lot of stuff. I love woodwork too, so,” says Steve Aaserude, a frequent attendee of Art in The Park.

A cherished Bemidji tradition returned this weekend with a new look. This year, more than 100 artists, designers and food vendors set up shop for Art in The Park. Since there was construction at Library Park, the event was split between the park and the Watermark Art Center across the street.

“I don’t know what the setup was like but the new setup – I liked it. We looked around a lot. Lots to see, lots of different vendors, so that was interesting,” says Rebecca Lamermeyer, an Art In The Park attendee.

“Yeah, we sampled some of the walleye fingers at the KC food booth they had set up,” adds Richard Lamermayer, another Art In The Park Attendee.

Signage was put up so drivers knew to slow down while the event was taking place. Organizers say they liked the setup and that if gets a lot of positive feedback, then there’s a chance it could return in the future.

Lorie Yourd, a board member with the Watermark Art Center, says, “People are saying they’re very happy with it. We were a little concerned if it was broken up like that this year that people would be upset, but there’s actually more room and everyone’s enjoying it and for once they’re going inside as well as out, so they get to the art center as well.”

Organizers say they will also consider the vendors’ opinions when deciding whether or not to bring the setup back for next year.

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