Jul 29, 2019 | By: Malaak Khattab
New Lake Itasca Amphitheater Will Connect People To The Outdoors
The new Lake Itasca Amphitheater at Itasca State Park will connect people to the outdoors. The facility will be used for naturalist and interpretative programs, as well as movies.
The amphitheater is located at the picnic grounds near the swim beach and is situated along the shore of Lake Itasca. It can seat more than 300 people with bench seating and it has an open grass area for lawn chairs and blanket seating.
Over the weekend, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Friends of Itasca hosted a dedication event for the amphitheater where over 100 guests came out. The project took three years and was funded by the Legacy Amendment.
“The amphitheater is the last element of the master plan to be completed for Itasca State Park. It is a beautiful, wonderful new facility that we are going to connect people to this wonderful park, it’s amazing history and the incredible natural resources that are here in the park,” Erika Rivers, the Minnesota State Parks Director said.
Beginning in 2020, the amphitheater will be available to rent hourly.