Jan 4, 2023 | By: Justin Othoudt
New Cass County Sheriff Sworn in at Ceremony in Hackensack
Cass County saw a changing of the guard on Tuesday as former chief deputy Bryan Welk was sworn in as the county’s newest sheriff.
“It’s a big responsibility, it took a long time to get here in terms of the whole campaign process and where we’re at right now, I’m just thrilled to be here,” said Welk.
In addition to Sheriff Welk being sworn in, deputies also had to be officially retake their oath of office, which was performed at the Bear Pause Theater in Hackensack.
“When there’s a new sheriff that’s elected, the deputies are sworn in and that’s what today’s ceremony was,” explained Cass County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Eric Alger.
“They each publicly raise their right hand and they took an oath of office that I administered,” said Welk.
According to the department, this was the first time the event was held in a public capacity.
“It feels good,” said Welk. “It’s our first one, so we’re just gonna get better from here and I’m excited for what the future has to hold.”
“It brings a sense of comradery and brotherhood, if you will, to the department,” explained Alger. “It just makes everyone closer and kind of formalizes everything.”
While at the ceremony, Sheriff Welk briefly described what would come next for the Cass County Sheriff’s Office under his leadership, stating that he hoped to continue building on what former sheriff Tom Burch had started.
As part of the swearing-in ceremony, deputies were also presented with their badges, which were pinned on either by their colleagues or by members of their families.