Jun 29, 2015 | By: Lakeland PBS

New Business Facilities Coming To Brainerd

Construction noises can be heard throughout Brainerd. Among them include a new AutoZone and FedEx location. The AutoZone will be taking a vacant spot on the western edge of town while FedEx will be taking a nine-acre property on the south side of town.

With these new businesses come new jobs. And unlike some of the other big box stores the FexEd and Auto-Zone will bring in some more technical jobs with bigger salaries.

Scheeler says the City Council is more receptive of new businesses coming into Brainerd. And with 54% of purchases happening online, companies like FedEx say this is the perfect time from them to expand to meet demand.

In a statement FedEx says “The new facility will replace an existing, smaller facility in the area, allowing us to continue to meet and exceed customer demands in the region…The site was chosen because of its ease of access to major highways, its proximity to customers’ distribution centers and a strong local community workforce for recruiting employees.”

The FedEx building will be a block down the street from the current facility while the closest AutoZone is in St. Cloud.

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