May 29, 2019 | By: Shirelle Moore

MnDOT Hosts Open House To Discuss Highway 197 Roundabout Project

The Minnesota Department of Transportation is looking at a project that would add six new roundabouts to Highway 197 in Bemidji. According to their research, they say the roundabout option is the safest possible solution.

“The root of this project is really safety based. It’s, how do we balance getting people to and from businesses but also providing a corridor where customers feel safe coming and shopping,” says Joe DeVore, a traffic engineer with MnDOT.

Business owners who showed up to an open house about the project were skeptical to say the least.

One business owner says, “I know you guys have studies. Regardless of what those say, standing on these roads, watching traffic on there, my honest opinion, people are not to be slowing down for people if they’re standing there. People can be running across the road and still won’t slow down for them.”

Some big concerns community members brought up at the open house included the loss of business access and the necessity of the project. Some even offered up alternative solutions.

One community member said, “Left hand turns, that’s 40% of the accidents. I mean, it’s really easy to go to the flashing amber arrows so there’s caution when they know that they have to yield or just go to a red arrow so they can’t take a left. I mean, as far as bang for the buck to everybody here, the state included, there’s no question that would be the way to go.”

Another hot topic was pedestrian safety. The topic of pedestrian safety spilled over into the special city council meeting that was held directly after the open house.

“I have a lot of concerns because we’ve had more deaths from pedestrians on Highway 197 than we have from vehicle crashes, and you’re talking to me about safety and I keep hearing the word safety, but I’m not hearing about the people who walk,” says Emelie E. Rivera, a member of the Bemidji City Council.

MnDOT says they want the community to be vocal in the process of selecting the best option for Highway 197. They gave examples of how roundabouts have been proven to reduce crashes in the past.

“They geometrically force vehicles to slow down. You have to drive through those at 15 miles per hour and it just creates more awareness,” says Darren Laesch, planning director for MnDOT.

Bemidji Mayor Rita Albrecht says it’s important to keep the conversation moving forward.

“I think that I’d like to just ask folks to have an open mind. I want them, you know, businesses to show up. Things get done and people who show up get to have a say, right? I want them to continue to work with you as you do massage this plan,” says Albrecht.

MnDOT will be hosting another open house for community members to make comments about the project. It will be held this Saturday at the Bemidji Community Library. The open house starts at 10 am. You can learn more about the Highway 197 project here.

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