Feb 14, 2015 | By: Lakeland PBS

Minnesota’s Impacts of Two Years of ACA and MNSure

Staying on your parent’s plan until your 26, not being turned down due to preexisting conditions, customers losing existing plans and headaches buying coverage online. Those are a list of pros and cons that have been a result of the Affordable Care Act coming to Minnesota via MNSure. One of the biggest problems has been educating the public on the positives and negatives to higher deducible.
While MNSure critics claim rates increased drastically, Ballou says rates going up between 8-10% are normal with the rate of inflation. But both sides agree everyone needs access healthcare.
However in a couple of years the ACA could change when companies offering group plans will no longer be required to pay for healthcare once a private health plan customer reaches their max out of pocket.

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