Jun 10, 2022 | By: Mary Balstad
Minnesota Wildfire Academy Returns After 2-Year Hiatus
The Minnesota Wildfire Academy returned for its 20th year of teaching this week after a hiatus due to COVID-19. From the basic to higher-level learning, more than 500 students prepared for wildfire activity this summer in Grand Rapids.
Whether it’s on the ground or in the air, Minnesota firefighters are working to prepare for if critical conditions mirror the hot and dry conditions in the summer of 2021. The training may focus on fieldwork, but it all starts in the classroom, with the students hitting the books.
This year, the Minnesota Wildfire Academy saw about 550 students join for the five days of learning. Classes included helicopter rides, the basics of fires, and, of course, putting out those fires.
The work of wildland firefighters goes past the flames as they work on other natural disasters as well, such as the flooding that is currently affecting northeastern Minnesota.
This year’s academy officially wrapped up today with 11 courses and over 200 students participating in the last day of classes.
More information about the Minnesota Incident Command System can be found by visiting their website.