Jul 18, 2014 | By: Lakeland PBS

Minnesota law enforcement officers test new Dodger Pursuit cars

Officers start your engines. Police officers from around Minnesota got a chance to train at Camp Ripley with the new Dodge cars designed with law enforcement officers in mind.
Chrysler law enforcement vehicle program manager, David Callery says, “We brought law enforcement agencies from across Minnesota to come in and test drive our new product portfolio. And really the showcase was the 2014 and a half all-wheel drive Dodge Charger Pursuit. ”
The officers got a chance to drive two different courses. A smaller more precision course in the parking lot as well as the about two and half mile emergency vehicle operator course.
Callery says, “Instead of just driving around in the parking lot, they got an opportunity to get out on the track and really have a high speed safe environment as well as precision driving track we have here in the parking lot. So really they’re getting the taste of the low speed precision as well as the high speed handling of our Dodge Charger.”
The driving instructors say the best way for the officers to get a feel for the car is from behind the wheel. And I got a chance to see what they meant.
Professional driving instructor, Chris Ferraro, says, “It’s a great program to give the guys a real hands on feel of what these cars can do. As you can see in high stress situations here. So it’s a pretty good deal. ”
Officers on the big course got a chance to test the cars’ limits at high speed. They whipped around tight turns at 40 plus miles per hour as well as gunned the straight aways. But why should the officers get all the fun. After they were done, it was Camp Ripley’s soldiers’ turn to get behind the wheel.
After testing the new pursuit cars myself, I don’t think the next speedster has a good chance of getting away.

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