May 16, 2018 | By: Sarah Winkelmann
Massive Long Lake Bog Proves Difficult to Move
The giant floating bog remains in North Long Lake after dozens of volunteers spent nearly 12 hours trying to move the massive four acre piece of land. The bog is currently on the shoreline at Legionville Safety Camp, not far from where it originally broke free from the land last fall.
With hundred of third graders starting camp in a few weeks, they are trying to move the bog back to the original location and anchor it down so the lake will once again be accessible.
Starting around 8 a.m. on May 16, crews attempted to use boats to tow the bog to the east, and after it would not budge, they switched to option two which included using a cable to cut it in half.
After hours spent threading the cable, the bog was cut in half but it was still too large to move by boat power. The crews will continue on Thursday morning by cutting the bog into smaller pieces to tow by boat to the new location.