Dec 6, 2018 | By: Shirelle Moore
Mail-Only Ballots Being Discussed For 2020 Presidential Primary In Minnesota
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Minnesota political party leaders and state and local officials are considering mail balloting for the 2020 presidential primary, a dramatic change from past practices in which citizens make their selections in party caucuses.
The state will switch to a more straightforward primary system beginning in 2020 that allows voters to cast ballots for their preferred choice for president instead of in the sometimes chaotic caucuses that take place in classrooms and community centers across Minnesota.
The Star Tribune reports supporters of a mail-only ballot say it could make administering the presidential primary easier and possibly less expensive than opening polling places around the state.
The switch to a presidential primary means the state would have three elections in 2020 — the presidential primary in late winter, the usual primary election in August and the general election in November.
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